Friday, April 1, 2016

2016 Resolution #2

Create more.  

Luckily being home with the kiddos Tuesday and Thursday leads to ample painting/construction paper/crafts/desperately coming up with creative things to keep Ev entertained while Eleanor naps.

And I am, in no uncertain terms, not saying I am artistic.  But it has felt so good to try!  And it builds on another goal for this year which is meaningful interactions with those dearest to me.  So lots of watercolored note cards with a little message inside, tiny art projects for big birthday celebrations, and even making Ev's birthday party invitations.  (side note... 3 years old!?!).  

One more...

And when the sky drops all those feathers
And when the birds sing in the morning
I'll be a mama

I'll have a daughter

I played this on repeat one evening while Eleanor and I had a quiet night at home, the boys were out goofing about.  Having a daughter is a whole other ballgame of parenting/life/responsibility.  I didn't realize how different it would feel. It feels momentous, wonderful, and terrifying.  

I've had a complicated relationship with my body throughout the years.  Who hasn't?  But adoring those short legs and long torso on my squishy bean, all the while recalling all the angst I held against my own?  Whole other level.  

Songs I can't quit humming...

"... to us romantics out here that amounts to HIGHHHHHH TREASON..."

indeed, indeed.

Friday, January 8, 2016

2016 Resolution #1

I have all these grandiose posts running through my head about motherhood, and wifeyhood, and daughterhood, but perhaps now isn't the time (newborn baby and all).  Hopefully someday soon.  But I do want to use this space to keep up with my "Life Goals" for 2016.  Just to keep me honest and on track.

So numero uno: Use the good stuff, and use it up.

I have boxes of stationary I've moved from house to house, candles half burnt, beautiful dishes hidden and wrapped.  Use them.  And for things that are temporary, use them up before buying new ones.  No more buying thank you notes in 2016.  No more!!  Write those notes, send them with love, don't be afraid to use the "good" cards... your beautiful, wonderful people deserve them.

Edited to add: After wandering around our apartment for 5 minutes, this list has grown.  Use up before buying: nail polish, hair products, make up, all pantry things, cleaning supplies.  I get nervous when precious perfumes get low, so I quit using them.  And I dream that the perfect "sea salt texturizing spray" will transform my hair (instead of a good hair cut and realistic expectations!).  Know what you have, use what you have, enjoy it while it lasts, and be done and move on.  Let's do it.

Monday, January 4, 2016

What's the plan?

So now we are here.  In this blank space, brimming with potential.  I have so many ideas.  Thoughts and dreams and hey, isn't that neats.  So this is what this space is for.  For me to record this wonderful, crazy, time in my life.  The little details, the big goals, everything in between.

About me, I am 33 years old.  I am also, in no particular order, a mother of two beautiful children (Everett, almost 3, and Eleanor almost 7 weeks), married to my stunningly crafty and handsome college sweetheart, Trent.  I am a scientist by training, I have my doctorate in molecular biology, and currently work at Stanford University as a staff scientist for a big epigenomics project.  Finding my "calling" is a huge area of thought and discussion in my life, and something I suspect will always be an ongoing challenge.

I was/am very into running, biking, swimming, hiking, yoga, all things beach related, crafting, friends and family.  I've gone from finishing an Ironman triathon in 11 hours and 37 minutes, to now walking to the market and calling that a workout.  Part of this space is to sort out what my life looks like now.  What are my goals, what are my interests, where do I put my energy and time?  Everyday feels different than the one before, but I don't want to lose sight on those convictions I hold most dear.

Hopefully this space can help me put into words and actions those convictions, or at least provide a funny story or two to look back on.

Saturday, January 2, 2016


“The very least you can do in your life is to figure out what you hope for. And the most you can do is live inside that hope. Not admire it from a distance but live right in it, under its roof. What I want is so simple I almost can’t say it: elementary kindness. Enough to eat, enough to go around. The possibility that kids might one day grow up to be neither the destroyers nor the destroyed. That’s about it. Right now I'm living in that hope, running down its hallway and touching the walls on both sides.” // Barbara Kingsolver